lundi 30 septembre 2019

Home Sweet Home

Home Sweet Home

USDesigns Heritage Livingroom set

15 pieces for full set 
----The sofa couples engine----
It has a selection of 504 of the best animations from the best professional animations creators in second life. The menu is well structured and designed for a better experience (it will not be hard to find that animation you need in those kinds of situations ;) ).
Aeros compatible, the hardness and tilt of the Aeros genitals will be changed automatically depending on the pose you are running,
The sex engine is also compatible with the It's Not Mine System if the avatar is wearing a compatible penis, for example, Xcite! or Aeros has an orgasm, the cum will go to the right place. It has lick events implemented to the poses that make sense also so the right place will be cleaned when lick.(see It's Not Mine cum system for more info)
Please come to our store in world and try it with no hurry, you will be amazed.
Cuddles, foreplay, Motion capture dances, oral sex,boy-girl sex, girl-girl sex, boy boy sex, boy- threesomes cuddles and sex (both boy-girl-boy and girl-boy-girl), BDSM, and more as sits, guitar playing, watching tv, share food are some of the actions you will find at its menu.

Key features.
-504 animations.
-Bento hand poses that can be turned off/on.
-No poseballs.
-Lag reduction.
-Easy adjustment for different avatar sizes.
-Aeros compatible.
-It's Not Mine body cum system.
-Xcite! arousal control.
-It can be restricted to be used by the owner, a group, or everyone.



.:Tm:.Creation "Hug me in fall" Autumn Scene with anims. AG15

Autumn Scene with hay cart, blankets, basket with apples, apples, plants, trunk, bushes, ground leaves
Land Impact: 12
Approximate size mt:  4.5 width x 1.7 depth
Extra for decor: Ground Autumn leaf LI: 1
100% Mesh
Animations for two person available in PG or Adult version

No Poseball - No static poses - Scene Sequence play up to 8 mins of scene (looping x each) - Bento Animations included
-PG Version 264 loop animations: 89 PG couple poses - 7 PG Scene Sequence for couple - Solo: 2 single sit F/M 86 poses

-ADULT Version 424 loop animations: 89 PG + 80 ADULT couple poses  - 7 PG + 6 ADULT Scene Sequence  for couple - Solo: 2 single sit F/M 86 poses

Look Event (Open September 24th to October 24th, 2019)
 Available in Mainstore after Oct.25th,2019 

Red haired

Red Haired

Tattoo by -Endless Pain Tattoos-Kitty
Appliers for Omega-Belleza-Legacy-Maitreya-Slink body&hands/feet

Exclusive for Curves event 

Runs from october 3rd to oct 24th 2019

Pic taken on Naturally Naughty photo studio

mercredi 25 septembre 2019

Black Tape

Black Tape

Graves G586 Tape Black

Arm and leg cuffs collar and nose band resizable by touch

Optional C-String and leg buckles included  

mardi 24 septembre 2019

The Couch

The Couch

.:Tm:.Creation "Passion" Lounger Sofa & Decors Sf5

Prim count: 8 (LI)

Available in PG or Adult version - Permission COPY/MOD/NO TRANSF - Lounger Sofa Prim count: 8 (LI)
No Poseball - No static poses - Scene Sequence play up to 8 mins of scene (looping x each) - Bento Animations included
**ADULT Version: 330 animations 30 sec loop x each: 89 PG + 38 ADULT couple poses  - 6 PG + 4 ADULT Scene Sequence  for couple - Solo F or M: 2 single sit (F/M 96 poses)

**PG Version: 254 animations 30 sec loop x each: 79 PG couple poses - 6 PG Scene Sequence for couple - Solo: 2 single sit (F/M 96 poses)

~Rug Gothic: Prim count 1 (LI)
~Roses petals Ground cover: Prim count 1 (LI)
~Vase with stick: Prim count 1 (LI)
~Cats on Blanket and Roses Decor: Prim count 3 (LI)

Adult version Marketplace
PG Version Marketplace  

vendredi 20 septembre 2019

Carla Bruni est une Truie

Carla Bruni est une Truie


Ghostyss - MELINA fatpack 
Freya-Isis-Venus-HG-Physique-Tonic curvy-Tonic Fine-Maitreya

Retexture hud with 8 differents colors included  

Booth"Challenge" @Naturally Naughty 



Available in PG or Adult version - Permission COPY/MOD/NO TRANSF
Area Rug with pillows and blanket: Land Impact 5 - Approximate sizes meters 3.7 width x 3.5 length.
No Poseball - No static poses - Scene Sequence play up to 8 mins of scene (looping x each) - Bento Animations included
*DECORS ~Cats on books & heart: Land Impact 2 ~Heart Pillow: Land Impact 1
You can unlink all the pieces and use them as you wish

-PG Version: 264 animations 30 sec loop x each: 89 PG couple poses - 7 PG Scene Sequence for couple - Solo: 2 single sit (F/M 86 poses)

-ADULT Version: 424 animations 30 sec loop x each: 89 PG + 80 ADULT couple poses  - 7 PG + 6 ADULT Scene Sequence  for couple - Solo F or M: 2 single sit (F/M 86 poses)

Photo Booth @ Naturally Naughty

jeudi 19 septembre 2019

love on the beach

Love on the Beach

.:Tm:.Creation "Be Happy" Beach Scene TS7

Beach scene with pillows, rocks, bushes and flowers.
Available in PG or Adult Version
Land Impact: 10 Approximate size mt:  6.8 width x  4.9 depth
Extra for Decors: Ground Leaves  LI: 1
100% Mesh
Permission: Copy | Modify | No Trasfer

No Poseball - No static poses - Scene Sequence play up to 8 mins of scene (looping x each) - Bento Animations included

-PG version 264 loop animations: 89 PG couple poses - 7 PG Scene Sequence for couple - Solo: 2 single sit F/M 86 poses

-ADULT version 424 loop animations: 89 PG + 80 ADULT couple poses  - 7 PG + 6 ADULT Scene Sequence  for couple - Solo: 2 single sit F/M 86 poses

You can unlink all the pieces and use them as you wish

Exclusive for Swank Event
Open 7th to 30th September, 2019)

Available in Mainstore after 1st october

mercredi 18 septembre 2019

Art deco

Art Deco



mardi 17 septembre 2019



.:Tm:.Creation  "I want Love You" Arbor Pergola with anims.
Available in PG or Adult version

Arbor Pergola with heart, climbing ivy, flowers, ropes, lights effect, ground cover blossom
Land Impact: 10
 Approximate sizes: meters 2.7 wide x 1.4 deep x 3.9 height
 ~Additional x decor: Floor Flowers w/ lights effect - Land Impact: 1~
Standing anims for 2 persons - Scene Sequence play up to 8 mins of scene (looping x each)
Bento Animations included - No Poseball - No static poses
-ADULT 162 anims: 39 PG+18 ADT couple poses-3 PG+2 ADT Scene Seq.  for couple-Solo: 2 single F/M 48 poses
-PG Version 126 animations: 39 PG couple poses - 3 PG Scene Sequence for couple - Solo: 2 single F/M 48 poses

100% Mesh
Permission: Copy | Modify | No Transfer

You can unlink all the pieces and use them as you wish
Exclusive for Unik Event 
Open 7th 13 SLT to 28th September, 2019
After event in Mainstore (after 29th September, 2019)

lundi 16 septembre 2019

Goths In Love

Goths in love


.:Tm:.Creation  "Ruffled Heart" Blanket with anims. & Decors B22

Blanket shaped ruffled heart with pillows and roses
Land impact: 5 - Approximate sizes m: 3.6 width x 2.8 depth

*Decors: Rugs with petals - Land impact: 3

-100% Mesh-

Permission: COPY | MODIFY

Available in PG or Adult version

*You can unlink all the pieces and use them as you wish*

No Poseball - No static poses - Scene Sequence play up to 8 mins of scene (looping x each) - Bento Animations included

-PG Version 264 animations: 89 PG couple poses - 7 PG Scene Sequence for couple - Solo: 2 single sit F/M 86 poses

-ADULT Version 424 animations: 89 PG + 80 ADULT couple poses  - 7 PG + 6 ADULT Scene Sequence  for couple - Solo: 2 single sit F/M 86 poses

Adult version : Marketplace
PG Version : Marketplace  

dimanche 15 septembre 2019



Outfit byV-Twins#Mesh - Manhattan

Comes with multi textures hud (1 top 1bra 1pants 1 strap) to mix and match
giving really differents results 


Into darkness

Into darkness

Pants by :Hec Fashion Penny Shinny Sides Sequins Leggings
Hud for recolor band along the legs included (increases sheer and glossyness) 


HEC - Star Armlets 

Multi color sheer and glossy hud included 
Resizable on touch
Pose and bind ropes not included

this is a 20L fully donated Sugar Bowl Hunt HEC item, at the 2019 Spoonful of Sugar Festival (Sep 14 to Sep 29).


Shoes by Tooty Fruity Heels Terrianne


10 colors hud included recolor heel sole and Straps separatly 
2 metal colors in hud 

exclusive for Commotion Event

Sep 20th to Oct 11th

jeudi 12 septembre 2019

Path of Flowers

Path of flowers

Dress byGhostyss - LILY ROSE FATPACK
Maitreya Only 

Retxture hud with 6 dress textures included 

exclusive for Swank 
Starts Sept 5th

Play with me

Play with me 

Outfit by :V-Twins#Mesh - Hurricane


Retexture hud with 24 different textures for the dress and the belt

Photo Booth @ Naturally Naughty




Tattoo by :-Endless Pain Tattoos- Venom Fatpack
Omega applier body and head only 

Fatpack contents 8 differents colors 

Use both omega applier and omega neck applier  for perfect fit 


Top By HEC - NIC Slave Tintable Top NETCUPS FATPACK

Words on top can be changed by hud (fatpack has a lot of adult rated contents)
also retexture and recolor hud (bright show/hide-sheer level -glow intensity)

Freya-Isis-Venus-HG-E.body curvy-Physique -Maitreya

lundi 9 septembre 2019

Kiss This

Kiss This

 Tattoo by :-Endless Pain Tattoos- Kiss This 2.0
Appliers Belleza-Slink Body & hands/feet-Maitreya-Omega