mercredi 29 juillet 2020



*in.SANITY* Wild Thang Blogger Pack

Retexture hud for top and short 
6 colors each 




dimanche 26 juillet 2020



Absolut Creations (*.*) Floating Buoy Hector 

25 rims Land impact 
Over 180 anims 
solo couples cuddles and adult menus 
Height 5 m-Width 5/5m
Original creation 



USDesigns Bhornos Rug Set (boxed) 1.2

This set is composed by:
(remember that is all copy so you can rez as many as you need..)
The fur rug. with 499 stunning animations from the best professional animation creators in second life with Bento hand poses. (land impact 4 perms: copy/mod)
An outdoor scene, beautifully crafted outdoor scene with a campfire (land impact 21 perms: copy)
A decorative low table (land impact 6 perms: copy)
A wines gazebo (land impact 7 perms: copy/mod)
A torch with on/off scripted realistic fire (land impact 1 perm: copy)
A hay vale, with 55 stunning animations from the best professional animations creators in second life with Bento hand poses (land impact 3 perms: copy/mod)
Key features.
-554 total animations.
-Bento compatible
-No poseballs.
-Lag reduction.
-Easy adjustment for different avatar sizes.
-Aeros compatible
-It’s Not Mine cum system compatible.
-Xcite! arousal control.
-RLV enabled (capture, undress, RLV restrictions and much more).
-Can be restricted to be used by the owner, a group, or everyone.

Sexy or not?

Sexy or not?

.EscalateD. Yayla
Fitted hair
2 Sizes busty and regular
2 Versions DUO or Streaks
Natural and unnatural hair color hud included 
Can also be used with any other Retexture hud sold by Escalated
Stylist hud included





jeudi 23 juillet 2020



Envy Her:[EH] Truly Fine
16 colors and 8 textures in hud 


Stop smoking you floozy

Stop smoking you floozy

mardi 21 juillet 2020



Drink me

Drink me 

jeudi 16 juillet 2020

Amour a la plage

Amour à la Plage

:::Revelation:: Rafaela BodySuit
12 textures hud included


[BodInk] Thigh Tribal Tattoo 
Original and mirrored 2 tones

Included Clothing layers for original avatars
BOM Versions 


<MC> Beach Scene w/poses
Includes Beach scene with a photo box and a version without the photobox
Includes a HUD to change the sand textures (8 options) or to turn the beach off completely if you want to set the scene up on your own beach.
Includes 10 couples poses, 12 solo Female and 12 solo Male.
It is set up so that you can have 2 avatars using the solo poses at the same time to create multiple photo scenes.
Some poses include props.
Uses easy to use AV sitter adjusting via menu. 

Exclusive for Twe12ve Event July 12-31


mercredi 15 juillet 2020





.:Tm:.Creation "Hugs on the rocks" Beach bench TS10
Rustic beach bench on rocks with pillows and wild grass
Land Impact 6
Animations for 2 persons Pg or Adult version
Permission: Copy | Modify | No Transfer
100% Mesh

 No Poseball - No static poses - Scene Sequence play up to 8 mins of scene (looping x each) - Bento animations included.

*PG version 2 persons sit with 286 anims: 91 PG couple poses - 8 PG Scene - 104 Solo Single F/M anims.
*ADULT version 2 persons sit with 378 anims: 91 PG + 46 ADULT couple poses - 8 PG + 5 ADULT Scene - 104 Solo Single F/M anims.

You can unlink all pieces and use them as you wish
The scripts inside is not Modify, if you see that the piece is not modify is only for this reason
The pieces is 100% mesh, if you modify size the prim count (Land Impact) will change up or down, same applies if you unlink or link other pieces


(Open 10th 1pm SLT to 30th July, 2020) 

Available in .:Tm:.Creation store after event

Lazy Girl

Lazy Girl

:::Revelation:: Kary Bikini
Maitreya-Slink HG-Belleza Isis & Freya

Multi textures hud included 
 Retexture top and pantie separatrly so you can mix or Match


.:Tm:.Creation "Pato Tiki" Sofa with tent Sf14

Tiki sofa with pillows and tent
Animations for 2 person (PG or Adult version)
Land Impact 9
100% Mesh
Permission Copy/Mod/No Transf
 No Poseball - No static poses - Scene Sequence play up to 8 mins of scene (looping x each) - Bento animations included.
*PG version 2 persons sit with 286 loop anims: 91 PG couple poses - 8 PG Scene - 104 Solo Single F/M anims.
*ADULT version 2 persons sit with 378 loop anims: 91 PG + 46 ADULT couple poses - 8 PG + 5 ADULT Scene - 104 Solo Single F/M anims.
You can unlink all the pieces and use them as you wish

The scripts inside is not Modify, if you see that the piece is not modify is only for this reason
The pieces is 100% mesh, if you modify size the prim count (Land Impact) will change up or down, same applies if you unlink or link other pieces


Exclusive for Vanity Event 
From  15th July, to 8th August, 2020 

Avalable in .:Tm:.Creation store after event

mardi 14 juillet 2020



Outfit by..::B2K Design::..Bikini Bellaeh

16 textures  for dress 
4 textures for Fringe
14 textures for bikini

jeudi 9 juillet 2020



• .:Short Leash:. Wrangler's Hitch

- RLV & Lockguard enabled
- bondage & pet play oriented
- seats up to 2 submissives
- 8 unisex bento solo animations
- generous texture HUD



.:Tm:.Creation  "Life is a journey" Crates bicycle Scene

Wooden crates with pillows, blanket, bag, bicycle
Land Impact: 12
Approximate sizes: meters 3.5 wide x 2.2 deep - 100% Mesh
Animations for 2 persons (PG or Adult version)
Permission: Copy | Modify | No Transfer
No Poseball - No static poses - Scene Sequence play up to 8 mins of scene (looping x each) - Bento Animations included
-PG Version 264 loop animations: 89 PG couple poses - 7 PG Scene Sequence for couple - Solo: 2 single sit F/M 86 poses
-ADULT Version 424 loop animations: 89 PG + 80 ADULT couple poses  - 7 PG + 6 ADULT Scene Sequence  for couple - Solo: 2 single sit F/M 86 poses
You can unlink all pieces and use them as you wish
The scripts inside is not Modify, if you see that the piece is not modify is only for this reason
The pieces is 100% mesh, if you modify size the prim count (Land Impact) will change up or down, same applies if you unlink or link other pieces
Exclusive for SL17B event. During this period offers a 50% discount for items in SL17B event And gift for everyone! (open June 19th to July 12th)
Available in .:Tm:.Creation store after event

mardi 7 juillet 2020

oohhhh A ruby

Oohhhh A Ruby

 Absolut Creations EVE Ruby V1 
Bento BOM Body 260 Alphas Hand poses bento hands 3 feet pose multiple skin tones
Jewelry compatible Vista
Animation compatible Vista
Very low complexity 3500
Very Low memory scripts 192 Mb
Also included in package  Tattoo layers with differents tones for the body  panties shoes bra dress and textures hud
:::REVELATION:::Kari Bikini
Maitreya-Slink-HG-Belleza Isis

Retexture hud included