vendredi 3 avril 2020

Simply me 2

Simply me 2

-Endless Pain Tattoos- Veri blogger Box

Tattoo comes in black or red 

Also included BOM Layers 

Exclusive for WeLoveRP April Round 
April 4th (1 Pm)  


Absolut Creation :*!* EVE V9.1 -fullbox 
2 Bodys Slim and pulpy
260 alpha
System save alpha
3 layers (Tattoo-Underwear-Fashion)
3 foot poses
4 Fashion Mesh
1 underwear Mesh
Wardrobe System
Omega compatible



.:Tm:.Creation "Remember us" Nature Scene AG19

Nature scene with rocks, plants, wildflowers, wheel, couple little foxs
Land Impact: 13
Approximate sizes: meters  3.8 wide x 3.2 deep
100% Mesh
Material enable
Permission: Copy | Modify | No Transfer
You can unlink all pieces and use them as you wish

Pose not included

Exclusive for
Driftwood Event (Open April 5th to May 5th, 2020)

Available in .:Tm:.Creation store after May 6th, 2020

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