Six Feet Under - Spooky Bitch Collar
Rlv and unscripted versions in pack
Textures hud included
original mesh
Exclusive for the Darkness Event
Starts Sep.5th
-Endless Pain Tattoos- Honey
2 Bom Layers (one for Signature alice only)
Appliers for signature belleza-maitreya-legacy-omega-slink
Signature Event eptember 11th - 21st 2020
.EscalateD. Feliz
Duo and Streaks (mirror included)
busty and regular sizes
hud with goth glitter or only goth colors
natural and unnatural colors included
stylist hud
Exclusive for Mystical Market
Aug 28 (opens 1PM SLT) - Sept 8, 2020
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