mardi 10 mai 2022

Breakfast at the Pool

Breakfast at the Pool

Body: [LEGACY] Meshbody (f) Special Edition (1.4)
Izzie' s Freckles
Head:[GA.EG] Rachel #BoMGenX Bento Head
Skin:[GA.EG] Full Skins - Rachel - Fatpack -tone ST2-brows  BOM [EVO X]
.:Tm:.Creation. D15 Provence Breakfast Flowers Set

- Breakfast tray with teapot, cups, plate with dessert, cloth
Land Impact: 4
Approx.sizes: meters 1.2 wide x 1 deep 
 - Vase with flowers
Land Impact: 2
Approx.sizes: meters 0.5 wide x 0.5 deep x 0.7 height 
 100% Mesh 
Permission: Copy | Modify | No Transfer
You can unlink all the pieces and use them as you wish 
@Shiny Shabby (open 20th April @ 12 pm slt to 15th May, 2022)
...Mutresse... Milena Bra and Bikini (DSU)-30 Textures
Maitreya, Legacy and EbodyReborn
20 solid colors/10 patterns (mix/match through HUD)
Don't Stress Undress (DSU) is an animated realistic undress/dress of the clothing accompanied by avatar animations, controlled via HUD.
Collabor88 (opens at midnight May 8th)





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