vendredi 15 décembre 2023



 .Aitne. Ines boots -
Ebody Reborn-Legacy-Kupra-Maitreya-LaraX
Multi textures hud for boots stockings trim
Basic colors and extra colors
Exclusive for Cosmopolitan Event
Dec.11th to Dec.23th
.Aitne. Lyssa Bodysuit 
 Ebody Reborn-Legacy-Kupra-Maitreya-LaraX
Multi tones hud for arms trims body 
Basic colors and extra colors  
Exclusive for Kinky Event 
Nov.28th to Dec.25th

Woops! Poses set 1 / Chair 
6 custom poses for chair
Prim with avsitter script so you can use it easier for your furniture
3Land Impact

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