samedi 20 juillet 2024

Sea sex and fun

Sea sex and fun

 Smooching Serpents * Copacabana - The Bondage Beach Towel

(brand new 2024 version!)

Get burning hot on the Bondage Beach Towel:

- 175 quality animations (solo&couples)
- sunbath, cuddle, sex, spanking, D/s, bondage
- incl. 2 bondage sequences
- rezzes ropes and gives rope cuffs
- realistis mesh, texture change
- rez beach props (umbrella, cooler, magazine,...)
- attaches lotion, cool beer and a dildo ;-)

***ATTENTION! During the bondage poses the sub won't be able to stand up - That's the brand new RLX Bondage Experience. Enjoy!***

- RLX auto capture, force sit and restrictions
- RLV force sit and restrictions
- The P & the V compatible
- Lovense compatible
- It's Not Mine Cum System
- It's Not Mine Clean
- AVsitter based engine



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